Hello my darlings. You've missed me, haven't you? I know it's December now, but my life has reached something of a happy plateau. Heaven forbid that I actually be happy for an extended period of time. Never fail, I must question it.
So perhaps my happiness has ridden in on the wings of an army man who's only real wish is to leave for Afghanistan and do what he thinks is good there. Yes, loves, I've picked myself a die-hard patriotic, red-blooded American boy. He even loves Jesus and everything. (I think)
I will admit, I may have begun dating him on false pretenses. If not began dating, then at the very least established a viable means of communications with under false pretenses. I was angry with his roommate and added him on facebook as a back door/revenge. The backfire came when he turned out to be adorable and funny and a whole slew of things that my vaguely vulnerable self was neither prepared nor looking for.
Admittedly, our relationship is causing the strife in his roommate's life that I do so enjoy, but collateral damage is going to be an issue where I wasn't counting on it. (Oh don't you even judge me, people. If you forget where you are, you'd best look back up at the url on your screen and the title of this blog) I wasn't counting on me as collateral damage. I knew that if I chased him for pure revenge, poor army boy would get caught in the crossfire of my petty payback and at that point, I knew he was too sweet for that. So as soon as I realized my intentions were honorable, I chased to my heart's content.
I was not counting myself as collateral damage.
Now I'm sitting in a precarious position, him planning on leaving in March and me.....not leaving in March. Especially not leaving for a decidedly third-world country that has limited communication ability outside the military and a very high chance of dying. Well, if not very high then at least an obvious chance of dying.
If I had known his roommate was my type, I never would've considered it. Musician, straight shooting, a friendly vice or two, and goofy as hell. If only he weren't so damn kissable and.......(kissable, huggable, lovable, unbelievable.......please excuse me as I hang my head in shame for knowing those lyrics.)
Not a thing in common my ass.
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